The reason I ponder on those comments is because, being a fourth generation Adventist women who was never given any indication that there were any areas of life which I was excluded from, I often ask myself where conversations on the role of women in ministry stem from. Are they real? Are the restrictions on women in ministry new or have restrictions always existed? Did I miss out on the conversations are was there a complete lack of discussion because it had never even been considered a possibility? And, what is the basis is for current conversations and debates? Is sensitivity to such debates heightened by a situation which really does exist out there and is there real and tangible opposition to women in the ministry? Or is there more support than people would let on? Will these questions be answered while we are still in seminary or will real opposition only come once we get out there and are posted in a church?
If the answer to that last question are yes, then how much of our attention will be focussed on trying to do the day-job rather than establishing an effective ministry which reaches the needs of the local community? If our energies are negatively refocused in this way will we be able to fulfil our calling to the ministry?
I know this poses more questions that it does answers but that reflects the complexity of the matter, the myriad of unanswered questions which do exist and which, many generations from now, women ministerial students and women ministers may still be asking.
Rather than answering any questions, I am going to leave one more for consideration and, possibly even comments. What was the basis for the decision to do nothing unless and until every conference votes in the affirmative? And how can that decision be taken when there is no baseline data to support the decision?
Carole Williams
;) .... Go Carole
I wish I had found this article on the Spectrum Blog before I wrote this post as it does answers some of the questions.
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